Original language: castellano Year of publication: 1991 Valuation: Alright There are a lot of...
Dear cocoonby Virginie Despentes More than 300,000 copies sold in France in record time....
and I didn’t dream Source: https://algunoslibrosbuenos.com/y-no-sone
Review of the book “The great mirror of love between men” by Ihara Saikaku...
Positive impact: The Purpose Launchpad mindset and framework to improve your startup, your organization,...
Quim Monzó and Sergi Pàmies: If memory serves us correctly Source: https://unlibroaldia.blogspot.com/2024/04/quim-monzo-i-sergi-pamies-si-la-memoria.html
About the book “Because there are wars that last a lifetime.”A story of love,...
A deadly gameby Diana Urban Let’s play a game. You have 24 hours to...
Araratde Louise luck Ararat is the fifth book by American poet Louise Glück, winner...
Original language: English Original title: It happened to Dydimus Translation: Rafael Accorinti Year of...
The distance that separates usby Maggie O’Farrell Synopsis: On a London bridge, Stella runs...
Book review, “I couldn’t be happier”, by Marisol Aznar and María Frisa It cannot...
Review of the book “Shame” by Annie Ernaux. Shame is an autobiographical work written...
Language: español Year of publication: 2019 Valuation: between recommendable and okay Book of stories...
Review of the book “Not for all the wine in the world”, by Estrella...
Synopsis A moving story about exile, love and betrayal, from the 2021 Nobel Prize...
Nothingness swims Source: https://algunoslibrosbuenos.com/la-nada-nadea
Review of the book “Colorín, colorado, this dream has begun”, by María José Galán...
Press release Marga Durá begins as a novelist with this story of freedom and...
Review of the book “Barefoot Heart”, by ChicaContradicción Well, well, readers, today I bring...
Language: español Year of publication: 2023 Valuation: essential There are books that hurt and,...
Review of “Even if you don’t know it”, by Fernando Elvira The year 2010...
Original language: French Original title: Thérèse Desqueyroux Translation: Anna Casablancas Cervantes Year of publication:...
The law of the hillsChris Offutt Synopsis: After twenty years as an agent in...
Review of the book “Salty Ceramics”, by Ángeles Carbajo How important our origins are...
A world in which the slaves are the masters and the masters are the...
Original language: CatalanOriginal title: The confabulation of the irresponsibleTranslation: the author himself.Year of publication:...
About the author The first day at that new primary school was decisive in...
Review of the book “It is not the Aleph”, by Gustavo Fiumano The good...