About the book

Lili Elbe discovered during the process that she had been born with ovaries, which after receiving numerous doses of Röntgen ray radiation for a previous treatment became useless.

Her physical and psychological transition forms the first testimony of a complete sex change, in addition to being a faithful reflection of European society in the period between the wars, and of intellectual and artistic life in Denmark, France and Germany.

This book, published in 1933 after Lili’s own death, recounts, from her diaries and manuscripts, as well as contributions from letters and notes from the friends who most appreciated her, her story and personal transition from Einar Wegener. to Lili Elbe, in a realistic, raw and tremendously inspiring way.

This publication, originally edited by Niels Hoyer, served as inspiration for David Ebershoff for his fictional novel The Danish Girl.

«—If I did not return, it would be appropriate to end my book with these words from Hans Jager.

With a trembling voice, Lili read the passage:

When I am no longer here, I want my sad book of love to be my legacy, the testimony that I once lived. I imagine that this book will be read, as few are, by all those unhappy in love and I will be able to shake their hands, as a greeting, every time this book falls into their hands, year after year. I can barely express my longing; and it is, in fact, the only desire I have: to say goodbye to each and every one…

No one can know how great the peace he would find with it.

Source: https://algunoslibrosbuenos.com/lili-retrato-de-la-primera-transicion-de-genero

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