About the book «In environments where everyone knows each other,“The reactions, emotions and comments...
When the King Comes by Luis Carlos Castañeda González Source: https://algunoslibrosbuenos.com/cuando-venga-el-rey-de-luis-carlos-castaneda-gonzalez
Ken Follett He was born in Cardiff (Wales) and at the age of ten...
Original language: Latvian Original title: OfficesYear of publication: 1972Translation: Rafael Martin CalvoValuation: Highly recommended...
The tragic mentalityRobert D. Kaplan Tragedy defines the limits of human nature and world...
Synopsis: Based on the theory of slips and failed acts, Experimenta poleo, above all,...
complete poetrythe Stefan Zweig This edition brings together the poetry of Stefan Zweig whose...
Review of the book «Tokyo blues» by Haruki Murakami (Novel) What is so special...
About the book Alejandro Gándara returns to Alfaguara with Primer amor, an initiation novel...
Original language: English Original title: Being There Year of publication: 1970 Translation: Nelly Cacici...
About the book THE WARS AND THE EIGHTIES The historical figures mentioned in this...
A blue dot in the Mediterraneanby Eva Espinet “That life that I tried to...
Los Mandiblede Lionel Shriver. Review of the book “The Mandibles: A Family: 2029-2047” by...
Review of the book “The Woman Who Took Poison” by Iwano Homei The Woman...
Original language: Italian Original title: Valentino Year of publication: 1957 Translation: Andres Barba Valuation:...
About the book Elena Francis, one of the greats fakes of our history «Consult...
About the book The story of Dire Straits as told for the first time...
Baboucar led the line “Baboucar led the line” is the mantra that is repeated...
The days of the night by Silvina Ocampo Review of the book “The Days...
Where the chameleon fliesby Ida Vitale An unpublished literary gem in Spain, by one...
Original language: Norwegian Original title: The second name Translation: Cristina Gómez Baggethun y Kirsti...
Review of the book “The Only Good Indian” by Stephen Graham Jones. “The Only...
«Journey to the center of the Earth» by Jules Verne, published by the Austral...
The author: César García Macarrón (1981), was born in Toledo, Spain. Graduated in Tourism...
To the extreme!by Eloy Gayán Rodríguez Rita and Cosme, retired shepherds, are urged to...
The smell of fearby Manuel Ríos San Martín August 30, 2023There is no animal...
Original language: español Year of publication: 2022 Valuation: between recommended and highly recommended Gabriela,...
If you like the darkde Stephen King Synopsis: From legendary storyteller and master of...
Private propertyde Lionel Shriver. Review of the book “Private Property” by Lionel Shriver “Private...