Original language: Spanish Publication year: 2020 Rating: Highly recommended That the year of Corona...
Language: español Year of publication: 2022 Valuation: between recommendable and okay Okay, I admit...
Original language: English Original title: Midnight Cowboy Translation: Ce Santiago Year of publication: 1965...
From Om to Amende Sharon M. Koenig What happens when you feel like you...
Review of the book “The War of the Worlds” by HG Wells. The War...
Well yes, friends! The day comes when all the “best of 2023” lists pale,...
About the book Finlay Donovan is the result of addinga cozy crime, a romcom...
About the book Of Memory, Forgiveness and Other Spells is a book of stories...
About the book The writer Clara Fuertes vindicates the figure of María Casares on...
Original language: EnglishOriginal title: .Hidden Valley RoadTranslation: .Julio Hermoso Year of publication: 2022 Valuation:...
The man of warby Ramiro Pinilla On the author’s centenary, an unpublished novel that...
Versions of the internet lover.netby David Jaen Have you ever flirted through internet applications?...
Original language: English Original title: God only knows Translation: Ainhoa Segura Alcalde Year of...
Himmler’s doctor: The man who saved thousands of people from the Holocaustby François Kersaudy...
About the book In the book, the Duke of Sussex recounts his childhood, his...
Original language: castellano Year of publication: 2003 Valuation: Interesting with qualms At the level...
Review of the comic “The most beautiful beach in the North Sea” Oh, the...
TOKYO: FragmentosLeopold Federmair Tokyo. Fragments is the first work published in Spain by Leopold...
About the book A writer of storms Dolores Redondo defines herself as “a writer...
All the times we jump into the voidby Chloe Santana (Yugen Saga 2) Chloe...
Review of the book “We are violets”, by Marta Galisteo Gómez «I’m Alice and...
Review of the book “Alma and the path of awakening”, by Verónica Romero.By Inés...
Review of the book “Better Absence” by Edurne Portela.By Paqui Bernal. Edurne Portela has...
Original language: French Original title: People from Bilbao are born wherever they wantTranslation: Alicia...
Review of the book “The ailantos and the sacred mastic”, by Franz Xaver Canela...
Review of the book “Diary of a Tramp” by Hayashi Fumiko “Diary of a...
The Left Wing (Cegador Trilogy 1)by Mircea Cărtărescu. “The Left Wing” is the first...
Original language: Arabic Original title: Tafṣīl Ṯānawī, Minor detail Translation: Salvador Pena Martin Year...
The crime of room 12de Anthony Horowitz After the success of the series “Magpie...
Review of the book “Suisen, Gorô’s Cat”, by Aki Shimazaki Shimazaki is an author...