The state in dispute: A Marxist itinerary
by YesurĂșn Moreno
That Marxist debates on the State continue to attract the attention of social scientists can be understood as a sign of their potential vitality or of dissatisfaction with alternative explanations provided by other theoretical currents. That there are also young researchers who are seriously interested in this topic and approach their study with a notable contribution of readings and reflections is particularly encouraging.
And even more so when it is done, as seems obligatory after so many decades of political defeats and setbacks in the intellectual influence of historical materialism, without any intention of maintaining sterile nostalgic fidelities, but at the same time with sufficient respect for a tradition of thought that, At the very least, it must be said that it still retains its ability to stimulate critical thinking. The young author of this book has the audacity (in the best sense of the word) to address a relevant and complex part of these currents and thematic fields, but also the humility to leave – I suppose for the moment – aside some others.
I think he does well to limit the field in what, ultimately, cannot be, due to its length, more than an essay. But it offers us a rich, suggestive and attractive text, and, above all, the premonition or announcement of new, equally promising works. It longs – why not? – for contributions from other currents, as an open Marxism should do. It reminds us that gaps in Marx or his immediate executors can be filled by his current or future heirs. Francisco Erice
Source: https://algunoslibrosbuenos.com/el-estado-en-disputa