Flash (Golden Prisoner 2)by Raven Kennedy (January 19, 2023)Second installment of an impressive fantasy...
spring autumnby Paqui Bernal Galego Synopsis: We already knew the translations of poems by...
Synopsis A story of forbidden loves, betrayals and mysteries. Alfonso IX, the last monarch...
The state in dispute: A Marxist itineraryby Yesurún Moreno That Marxist debates on the...
Synopsis Elvira Sastre’s most personal book, as tender and intimate as it is vindictive....
Original language: English Original title: The Only Good Indian Year of publication: 2020 Translation:...
Review of the book “Hiroshima Notebooks” by Kenzaburo Oé. Today I want to talk...
Review of the book “Tear out the seeds, shoot the children” by Kenzaburo Oé....
About the book A cornerstone of universal literature, the Arabian Nights have inspired numerous...
Review of the book “The Demon Bird” by Sato Haruo The Demonic Bird is...
About the book The first novel by the forensic technician and creator of Morbid,...
Original language: French Original title: The man sitting in the hallway Year of publication:...
The Empressde Gigi Griffis (October 13, 2022)The essential novel for fans of The Bridgertons,...
The earth under your feetby Cristina López Barrio Synopsis: Madrid, 1935. Cati is a...
And thriller of high suspense set in Cantabria that absorbs and captivates from the...
Review of the book “María Magdalena” by Matilde Cherner. “Mary Magdalene” by Matilde Cherner...
Review of the book “Spring Autumn”, by Paqui Bernal Galego.By María del Rivero Esteban....
Original language: español Year of publication: 2007 Valuation: recommended (highly recommended for those interested)...
sentimental passport Source: https://algunoslibrosbuenos.com/pasaporte-sentimental
Review of the book “The Herbs of the Path” by Natsume Soseki “The Herbs...
Review of the book “What we talk about when we talk about love” by...
Minho River. A journey between solsticesby Jesus Fraga An extraordinary physical and sentimental journey...
Review of the book “The Map of Longings” by Alice Kellen Do you like...
AUTHOR’S NOTE I have always wanted to write about Julius Caesar. Since I was...
It makes me blush to observe that after more than five thousand books reviewed...
“The Children of Justo” by Fran Ortega, the novel about Seville that Dan Brown...
Review of the book “Oh, William” by Elizabeth Strout.By Paqui Bernal. This Easter I...
A few years ago, the fantasy genre It was one of my favorites. In...
Informationby Martin Amis. In this article, I am going to review the book “The...
Stephen Kingby Bev Vincent Synopsis: On the occasion of the writer’s 75th birthday, this...