About the book

May R. Ayamonte returns with The Sacred Waters, an addictive crime novel with a social and political charge

Historical memory and current issues, such as assisted reproduction, stolen babies or heritage, are some of the ingredients of this work.

Readers will meet Jimena Cruz again, the protagonist of Wild Girls, although it is an independent story.

The writer May R. Ayamonte presents The Sacred Waters, a crime novel in which she masterfully addresses social and political issues that go beyond fiction, which will be available in bookstores starting April 20 from the Contraluz publishing house. . As the author advances, it is a “highly addictive work, with a somewhat convoluted and complex plot, with female protagonists who give no respite.”

The Sacred Waters begins when Jimena Cruz, a well-known journalist in Granada, receives notice that a body has appeared in the center of the city. To work on the case she requests to have a team, among which we will find Fátima Suárez, the other protagonist of this novel, a doctoral historian from the University of Granada who seeks to be a mother with many difficulties. They will soon discover that everything is much more complex than expected and they will find themselves involved in a race against time, since the murderer does not plan to stop and marks his times. Readers will find in this work historical memory, since one of the protagonists is a stolen baby, and current issues such as assisted reproduction, heritage or the hidden secrets of Granada.

Although Jimena Cruz already starred in the story of Wild Girls, May R. Ayamonte’s previous work, this new title is totally independent and different. “The Sacred Waters can be read without having read The Wild Girls,” explains its author. “Having two protagonists on whom the narrative focuses has not been an easy task, but I have enjoyed it a lot. I like opposite characters and we are going to find a lot of that in The Sacred Waters. I like to delve into human nature and there is nothing better than creating characters for that. For me, a good character is one who raises passions from the positive and the negative,” she says.

In addition, the secondary characters will also be important in this story in which we also find complex and contradictory family relationships, State bodies that sometimes help the protagonists and sometimes not… and many lies and betrayals. “There is a part of truth and another of fiction and up to that point I can read,” says Ayamonte, who conceives literature as “a space to communicate with the reader and open a connection that helps us both to reflect and to escape from our lives.” ”.

Source: https://algunoslibrosbuenos.com/las-aguas-sagradas

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