I almost don’t remember anymore
by Clara Morales
We can try to convince ourselves that remembering is a harmless act, like searching through a file: locating the information and bringing it to the counter of the present. However, anyone who has been shaken in the middle of the street by a painfully familiar aroma knows that making memory is, also and above all, a physical shock, an assault, an infernal possession. Memory cannot be lost at will. Memory lives in the body of those who carry it with them, whether they do so with pride or shame. What is not forgotten, is not forgotten. And this is valid for private memory and for collective memory, if such a distinction makes sense. In “I Almost Don’t Remember”, he doesn’t have it. In these thirteen stories live the memory of an unrequited love and that of the survivor of a concentration camp, the echoes of Franco’s torture and that of a perverse childhood game, the blurred face of a relative who died decades ago and that of a protester at the first LGTBIQ+ march. Historical memory? Can. Small intimate traumas? Maybe. The personal and the political intertwine: each collective process carries with it thousands of private memories, and vice versa. If these stories could choose to be anything else, they would choose to be ghosts. Dark and constant ghosts, ghosts that visit us at night and force us to accept that no, we have not forgotten. That maybe we don’t want to forget.
Author biography:
Clara Morales (Badajoz, 1989) is a librarian at the Complutense University of Madrid. In her previous life as a cultural journalist, she worked as a freelancer for media outlets such as El PaÃs, Icon and S Moda and was responsible for the Culture section of the infoLibre newspaper for six years. She has participated in anthologies of stories such as Cuadernos de Medusa or La familia, and is an editor at the Episkaia microlabel. I almost don’t remember it’s her first book.
Source: https://algunoslibrosbuenos.com/ya-casi-no-me-acuerdo