About the book

Antonio Cabanas, captivated by the Egyptian universe, immerses us in the fascinating reign of Tutankhamun.

Coinciding with the Centenary of the discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb, the master of the historical novel, Antonio Cabanas, reveals to us the man hidden behind the great historical enigma. Since the mythical discovery of archaeologist Howard Carter, the most famous and at the same time the most unknown pharaoh of Ancient Egypt has always aroused enormous fascination. In Tutankhamun’s Dream, the author brings us closer to the intrigues hatched in the shadow of the pharaoh, the secrets kept in the tombs, what the life of those who built them was like, and the extent of the curses of the gods.

It tells the entire story of his reign through a fictional character, friend, companion, protector, ornamentalist of tombs and interpreter of dreams, a classic character that allows the author to explain not only the life of the court, but also that of the people. Egyptian in the period of the New Kingdom, in the 14th century BC

This year marks the centenary of the discovery of the tomb of Tutankhamun, a fascinating character who lived in one of the most interesting historical periods.

Antonio Cabanas is the author of the best sellers The Tomb Robber, The Pharaoh’s Conspiracy, The Secrets of Osiris, The Millennial Dream, The Son of the Desert and The Secret of the Nile, with which he has achieved great critical and public success.

Passionate about the culture of Ancient Egypt, of which he is a great expert, he dedicates much of his time to researching and writing about it.

With the rigor and rhythm of a great master of the historical novel, Antonio Cabanas immerses us in the turbulent Egypt of the 14th century BC. Figures such as Akhenaten, Horemheb or the powerful Nefertiti parade through the pages of this work that also reveals the intrigues to us. forged in the shadow of the pharaoh, the secrets kept in the tombs, what the life of those who built them was like and the extent of the curses of the gods.

After his father’s despotic and chaotic reign, young Tutankhamun tries to bring order to a divided country. The pharaoh is only a teenager and the ruthless struggle for power has plunged him into absolute loneliness. However, everything changes when a humble fisherman named Nehebkau appears in his life, who has the incredible gift of attracting cobras and enchanting them with his mere presence. This will be the beginning of the deep friendship that will mark both of them and will be the common thread of this story that transports us to a fascinating time.

This great story comes to readers coinciding with the anniversary of the discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb in the Valley of the Kings in 1922. Since the mythical discovery of archaeologist Howard Carter, the most famous and at the same time the most unknown pharaoh of Ancient Egypt, always It has aroused enormous fascination. Finally, in the pages of this novel, Antonio Cabanas reveals to us the man hidden behind the great historical enigma.

Source: https://algunoslibrosbuenos.com/el-sueno-de-tutankhamon

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