The three names of Ludka
from Gisela Pou
In 1946, Ludka Nowak, a nine-year-old girl, arrives in Barcelona accompanied by a hundred Polish orphan children. Many of them kidnapped by the German Nazis and subjected to an intense Germanization process during World War II. The International Red Cross and the Polish Consulate make it possible for children to be welcomed in the city, where the first Polish school is founded. While the authorities search for their families, the children recover the language and culture that has been stolen from them.
Thanks to her friendship with Emma, ​​a girl her age, Ludka, subjected to the most absolute uprooting, will be able to remember episodes from her past and recover her real name.
The Three Names of Ludka is a story told in three voices: Ludka’s, Emma’s and Isabel’s, which intertwine to take us into an epic of survivors forced to live in a time of tyranny and oppression. Despite this, they manage to find their place in the world and learn to live and fight for what they want.
Without origin, without childhood, like a tree with its roots blowing in the wind.
Gisela Pou i Valls (Castellar del Vallès, 1959) has a degree in Biological Sciences, a master’s degree in Television Scripting and director of the II Script Laboratory of the SGAE Foundation. She has been a television writer for twenty-eight years. Currently, she dedicates herself exclusively to literature. He has written the novels Soroll de fons, Sense la Mare, The Silence of the Vineyards, The Invisible Voice, Tot menys la pluja and also children’s and young adult novels, among which The Young Woman at Midnight stands out (Critic Award and finalist for the Mandarache Award ) and Palmira and the chrysalis effect (Atrapallibres Award).
Source: https://algunoslibrosbuenos.com/los-tres-nombres-de-ludka