On November 13th we have the next new Moon of the year and it is the time when you have to start your manifestation diary. But not just any one, in lower case, but the Manifestation diary of Carlotydes.

Carlotydes is an architect, illustrator and author who has enchanted thousands of followers with her creative universe. I’m sure that if you haven’t already recognized her by her name, you would when you see any of her designs because they are so personal. A mix of astrology, mythology, magic and archetypal images, among others, come together to build their personal seal. She is the author of the book Magic y Constellations. And he has his own deck of tarot cards.

@lareinalectora ✨ we have begun to manifest. @Carlota Santos #diariodemanifestacion #manifestaraluniverso #librosrecomendados #magiablanca🤍🔮 #carlotydes #carlotydestarot @Penguin España ♬ you are my sunshine – christina perri

The proposal that is now published with Ediciones B has to do with a tool that more and more people use in their daily lives, the manifestation diary. This is nothing more than a notebook where you can keep a record of your intentions towards the goal you want to achieve. To understand the matter a little we would also have to talk about manifestation, the fashionable term, which I will explain in Carlotydes’ own words: «Manifesting is the process by which something that was in your thoughts can become part of your physical reality».

But there are notebooks and notebooks. This is a book of Hard cover, care down to the smallest detailmore than 400 pages, illustrated by Carlotydes, who It is already felt, upon receiving it, as something manifested. It is not the typical notebook to carry in your bag and doodle in any way, but a work to have on a special table in the house to which you can go every day for a little while and dedicate the same time and care as the creators of this tool. have put in it. I don’t know if I’m explaining myself well because when I had in my hands Manifestation diary of Carlotydes and I felt its weight (it weighs quite a bit) and its robustness, I thought I was already touching something important. Something that would also lead me to do something important with my life.

Let’s now see how the book is structured. Carlotydes passes more or less by the theory of manifestation and goes, directly, to the record that it invites us to make every day. Yes, this is a practical job above all. Don’t expect them to explain many things to you (I like things explained to me and I’m the type of person who doesn’t accept that “There are no right answers.” I want to know how to put the correct answer! But here garlic and water). Furthermore, Carlotydes’ system is based on the phases of the moon, so you can’t skip any days (which is a great exercise in consistency). The author invites us to start on a new moon (she explains this briefly at the beginning) and every day she asks us different questions that we must leave in writing in the corresponding spaces.

For example, on day 1, it asks us what we would like to manifest at this time of lunar cycle. And it gives us some indications of how we have to write it specifically. Next, he asks us to put down the 5 actions that will help us achieve it and how we are going to reward ourselves when we achieve it. So you start doing your homework, writing even your deepest dream of kissing Antonio Banderas and when you can’t even fit a pin, day 2 arrives and Carlotydes shouts at you (for me it was like hearing a scream): “But WHAT IS YOUR MOST IMPORTANT GOAL.” Ale, handsome, beautiful or handsome, keep one.

Although it seems like I’m upset, quite the opposite. It’s one of the things I liked most about Manifestation diary by Carlotydes. I think it proposes different questions than usual see in this type of texts and that, in addition, helps you go little by little concentrating and focusing on what you really want. In addition, it works a lot with your emotions and really makes you aware of habits and routines. He gives you a loving pat on the shoulder to redirect you. The latter is important, because it is increasingly difficult to put order in our heads, there is a lot of noise and little sense of what is truly a priority.

Manifestation diary of Carlotydes It is a tool that helps you pursue what you want by bringing to reality what now lives in your head and in your heart in a different, different way, helping us with the phases of the moon and delving into questions that touch the entire mental spectrum. , emotional and physical (behavioral). A careful and very beautiful work so that you can dedicate daily time and feel that life is full of gifts. Starting with this book.


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Source: https://www.lareinalectora.com/2023/11/diario-manifestacion-gratitud-carlotydes-tarot.html

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