by Álber Vázquez
In 1519, Hernán Cortés had just left Cuba to embark for Mexico. He has very little information about his destination, so he is not even sure if he is looking at a handful of islands or an entire continent. When he finally makes landfall, a sixteen-year-old woman crosses his path who, over time, will become the key to the Spanish expedition to the heart of Mexico. That young woman, named Malintzin, will provide Cortés with the keys to enter a complex, violent and wonderful territory in front of which is a fabled city: Tenochtitlan.
This is the story of that girl, of Malintzin, of Malinche, of the woman with whom the Spanish managed to change the world.
Álber Vázquez (Rentería, 1969) has published nine historical novels in La Esfera de los Libros, all of them dedicated to the history of Spain. His books provide a naked and unapologetic vision of our future. In them, the Spanish are not the bad guys, but rather those who fight to conquer the world, something that the Romans and the Mongols already did, and that the French and the English will do not long after.
Led by Álber Vázquez, readers will participate in the defense of Cartagena de Indias, they will take the first trip around the world with Elcano, they will fight against the Apaches in Texas, they will travel to Antarctica aboard the mythical San Telmo, they will cross the Andes with Francisco Pizarro to conquer Cuzco, they will participate in the agonizing expedition to discover the Pacific Ocean, they will learn why Juana la Loca was never crazy, they will ride to the great plains of North America to observe the herds of bison long before others do and they will go deep in the Mexico that will lead them to the splendid Tenochtitlan.
Source: https://algunoslibrosbuenos.com/malinche