Let this house burn with us inside is the new commitment of Libros Cúpulas written by the actor and writer Mario de la Rosa. The fiery flames of the letters of the title appear in bookstore windows as if from the first edition of iron wings it was about. It seems to be another national phenomenon. In fact, the other day I surprised myself leafing through a small booklet with the first chapters of the novel that was resting on the counter of El Corte Inglés although by then I had already read the book. Of course, Let this house burn with us inside It has something magnetic. Maybe it’s the provocative title of it.
The work of Mario de la Rosa is classified as the thriller most unpredictable of the year, as well as the most sensual. I am going to be a little more restrained, but I will say that it is explosive on many levels.
The first thing I want to comment on Let this house burn with us inside For me it is not a fast book, but it is intense. This is the reason why I don’t consider it at all a thriller, since I have associated this genre with more agile arguments. In this case, The author’s narrative style is more leisurely and exploratory., which is not a bad thing. But I would like to clarify that this is my mental straw about what a thrillerbecause if we literally look at its definition, this genre refers to high emotional tension and plot twists in which Mario de la Rosa would get an A with the novel.
Plot twists or complex geometric figures?
Let this house burn with us inside is about two people who find themselves in the middle of playing a role, literally and metaphorically.. Literally because Bianca, one of our protagonists, whose relationship is a bit in ruins, is rehearsing a role for her next play. Metaphorically because don’t we all play different characters in our lives? Only some are more dangerous What others. Álex breaks into Bianca’s private circle as an expert in fight scenes and chemistry quickly sparks between them. Meanwhile, Bianca’s partner is in another European country carrying out a demanding and million-dollar job while a strange organization is dedicated, in another part of the continent, to making certain people disappear from the map.
It was difficult for me to locate myself in this entire complex scenario until I reached, more or less, the hundred and something page. This puts me in a bad mood because I am very impatient, my partner tells me this all the time when we start watching a movie. For me, I would start all books at the end. But I’m not brave enough to do it either. The point is that in Let this house burn with us inside We have many pieces scattered around the board that take a while to cross.. Until then, above all, there is sexual tension or just sexual tension. But when they do… Boom! There are quite a few twists and turns and everything evolves into a complex geometric figure.
It’s very hot here.
I don’t know if it’s because of the orange sash, because of the reflections that the light picks out from the letters on the cover or because there is a lot of sweat shared between the protagonists, but in this novel it is quite hot. I suppose that here, in addition, it is necessary to talk about the author’s narrative style.
Something that surprised me Let this house burn with us inside is that it is very poeticdespite having these claims of thriller and suspense novel. Far from the short and direct sentence style of books like The girl on the train, Mario de la Rosa plays with words, makes them beautiful, fills them with emotionality, tense and loose, caresses and fondles. All this is noticeable. When you read the novel, you notice it. The work is conceived slowly and with passion, as if the author was also burning something inside. I imagine Mario putting out an inner fire through unhurried writing because, after all, all writers are a bit of a firefighter..
Let this house burn with us Inside is a high voltage work. There is a lot of sex, very explicit. There is violence. There is betrayal. There is a past and deaths. There are secrets. There’s love. There are drugs. There are all those things that unbalance the world.
That’s why it’s very, very hot.
Only the ashes will make us reflect.
Sometimes I think that only when you reach the limit, you also reach true reflection. That’s why these types of novels, with extreme situations, bring up many themes.
I can’t say that I have really connected with any character, perhaps with Álex, although I doubt whether I have understood his past correctly. The more geopolitical plot has escaped me a bit, but I always like the typical character who seems like he can do everything. And that is undoubtedly Álex. I think the psychology is very well constructed because Mario not only gives body to the characters, but also soul, and everything seems less like fiction within fiction. Bianca, for letting it go, has not been to my liking at any time. Too many doubts, too many wobbles, too much risk… to change as the wind gives her. Although what may have bothered me the most is that she didn’t come to love.
The book didn’t excite me or blow my mind.but I have come to appreciate it for its precise construction of any minute detail, both the psychology of the characters and the setting, documentation for the action plot or any other narrative feature, as well as for its poetry.
And I think it closes correctly. That the secondary ones become the main ones and that not everything is resolved for the better, but that it leaves a feeling of satisfaction in the reader.
Don’t stop reviewing the novel.
It must be very difficult to reach a final state of manuscript and I know this from experience because I work on something like this, but I have found quite a few repeated errors throughout the reading that have to do, above all, with the punctuation of the dialogues (absences of scripts). I am sure that the following proofs will have already solved this problem, but as a reader and industry professional I find it necessary to note it.
Let this house burn with us inside.
The term burn implies so many things that we could make several publications on the subject, but Mario de la Rosa has given his own vision of this verb in a suggestive and provocative novel that I think will have a wide variety of opinions. I was especially surprised by its more poetic style, since it is still an action novel, as well as the sensuality and emotionality that is framed within its pages. At the same time, I believe that the documentation behind Let this house burn with us Inside it is beastly and deserves applause for the precision with which all its pieces fit together. It has not been, for the moment, the thriller of the year, but it is the hottest thing I have read so far, and I am not just referring to the sexual field. Well, all the characters are surrounded by flames.
Source: https://www.lareinalectora.com/2024/02/arda-casa-nosotros-dentro-mario-de-la-rosa.html