The disconnection produced between the human being, nature, the spiritual world, and some principles or values that have always provided well-being, is today an inexhaustible source of problems. Through the experience of a young Indian who becomes the shaman of his tribe, a way of living, acting and thinking is presented that can help the reader focus on their life from another, healthier perspective. In addition, it serves as an introduction to learn about areas as complex as; spirituality, ecology, energies, etc. Extrapolated to everyday life, it is a current reflection of what we all experience; fears, doubts, insecurities, struggles, dislikes, etc. But also, joy, bravery, courage, improvement, honor, etc. Life itself, with all that it entails.
Source: https://algunoslibrosbuenos.com/kal-he-to-el-chaman-de-estanislao-lengua-martinez