Promotional interview Lorenzo Roca

Author of Forms of Communication in Mammals
An essential guide to know the secrets of the communication of living beings.

¿How would you define your latest work?

Didactic and visual, full of cultural curiosities.

What audiences is it aimed at?

To everyone, schools, the general public and everyone who is in some way interested in knowing the way mammals communicate and live,

What can we learn in the pages of your Forms of Communication in Mammals?

SAbove all, they are one of the many companions on our planet, who also have emotions, different from ours, and who communicate with each other.

Your first three books focused on the world of business and commercial activity, what can you tell us about them?

My life, my long business life traveling to more than a hundred countries, has taught me a lot, as a businessman too. I have a commercial spirit and I am trained in it.

They are practical books, without nonsense, without theories that can almost never be applied. Real experience.

And why the change of direction towards the communication of living beings?

Because once I have written almost everything I believe and can contribute to the wonderful world of commercial exchange, I understand that communication has been and will be the only way to exchange ideas.

And the world of communication between living beings, plants and animals, is fantastic. Everyone communicates in some way.

Tell us a little about your initiative “With a single gesture”.

A few years ago I came up with the idea (which was not practiced in my house) of folding containers. With that simple act, volume, transportation and fuel costs are reduced. With a single gesture, bending and flattening, a multitude of benefits are achieved. I have traveled the world trying to make this simple way of acting catch on among the different populations I have met.

After History of communication: homo sapiensthis is the second work that includes a study on communication in living beings, can we expect more deliveries?

After Ways to Communication in Mammalswith more than 700 color photographs and about 100 species analyzed, will come Bird communicationwith some 800 color photographs and more than 100 species studied.

Currently, I am working with Communication of reptiles and amphibiansin addition to Invertebrate communicationFinally, if health permits, Fish communication.

This project will involve a small six-volume encyclopedia, with a total planned content of 4,000 color photographs and hundreds of detailed species.


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