Chess novel: Definitive version
the Stefan Zweig
New translation of Stefan Zweig’s most famous novel according to the definitive version that the writer sent to his editors two days before his death
The world chess champion, Mirco Czentovic, embarking on a transatlantic ship heading to Argentina, will have the opportunity during the voyage to confront a strange chess player who hides a secret. The fearsome Nazi SS played an ominous role in the enigma. Chess Novel was the last story that Stefan Zweig wrote before committing suicide in 1942. It appeared posthumously and immediately became a bestseller around the world: it was read as a story of resistance against Nazism and a plea against any kind of totalitarianism, which is a literary protest against any political regime that attempts to nullify the will of the free individual. Even so, the true protagonist of the story is the game of chess. Zweig was a pioneer in using the passion and emotion of the “game of kings” to create an extraordinary literary plot.
We present a new translation of this great story, based on the original text that Stefan Zweig sent to his editors two days before he died. This original version, typed by Lotte Altmann and hand-corrected by Zweig himself, underwent some modifications by subsequent editors. Thus we recover the raw and desperate style in which it was written.
Source: https://algunoslibrosbuenos.com/novela-de-ajedrez