by Offreds
Following the path opened by oja, this brand new proposal from Offreds surprises as a counterpart and continuation of Siempre, its previous title, a new volume in which the beautiful creations of Lady Desidia that illustrate the texts will also stand out. In this case, the book is organized following the signs of the Zodiac, which mark the imprint of a personality, with its distinctive characteristics, like a character with its qualities and defects, who faces the facts and experiences of each day that we They affect everyone equally. A current fable under the tutelage of heaven that distributes personality and temperament, different philias, phobias, to face the daily fight. In the author’s words: «Because a Hopefully is never complete without an Always.
I was born in Vigo one early morning in October. I was always a normal child. Something shy and insecure. And in love. I remember writing love letters. There was a girl at school that I loved and I wrote to her, although she didn’t pay any attention to me. At school, regular. I liked literature subjects more. I read a lot at home. My mother always brought me the books from the Readers’ Circle. I loved the scary ones. I could spend hours reviewing them in bed. And time passed, little by little. I fell in love once. Always taking risks, even if it went wrong. I stopped being so young to be simply young, inside my childish face. Writing. A night that was quite lonely and very rainy was the first time I wrote a sentence about something that was happening to me at that time. On twitter. I guess that’s where it all started. People read me, and more and more. People who identified with me. I couldn’t believe that someone eagerly read my thoughts. My books arrived. Almost accidentally. When you open the parachute. 1775 streets. Stories of a hypochondriac castaway. With a cassette and a bic pen. Everlasting. Remember password. Unconditional. There are no cities left. Hopefully. Many signatures later arrived in many cities. Copies in thousands of homes. And there I continue smiling, excited like the first day. Like the first copy. The truth is that I don’t have much of a biography, but I do have many dreams.
Source: https://algunoslibrosbuenos.com/siempre-de-defreds