Original Language: English

Títutulu Original: The Inconsolables

Translation: José Ángel de Dios

Year of publication: 2023

Valoración: Advisable

The inconsolatable It is a terrifying anthology of dark, strange and psychological cut. Michael Wehunt, its author, stands out for the plasticity of his prose (seriously, some of his descriptions are extraordinary), the originality of his premises, the emotional burden that prints his histrories, the ambiguity of his subtexts and his ability to create unique and memorable monsters.

Let us add one to one the ten stories compiled in this volume:

In “a vampire fiction”, a man disregards his old obsession with vampires when his wife leaves him, taking his daughter with her. Meditation rich in stimulating ideas and reflexive nuances about the passage of childhood to maturity, about how fantasy diminishes and how easy it is to fill the hole left by our happiness with something terrible. It has reminded me powerfully, for the styling of his invoice and the melancholy of the tone, to the great stories of Robert Aickman’s strange.

In “Fatuo”, an old widow whose arthritic hands prevent him from touching the piano, his only passion in life, he also discovers that his character moved the people around him. Moving and effective, gains points thanks to the Weird texture conferred by the alley workers that the protagonist sees from her window.

In “Taking care of a street dog (metaphors)”, a father devastated by the death of his daughter leaves everything and flees north. Along the way is to a dog, which he welcomes, cares for and protects for a year in order to heal his life. Cathartic exercise of those who even help the most pessimistic to reconcile, even if it is only a little, with this miserable existence to which we are convicted.

In “Pine Arch’s collection”, a mail chain leads people to participate in a collective horror movie. Although its format is attractive, part of a very interesting concept and has the occasional shocking scene, I have not finished connecting with it. Even so, I should give it another chance, because it seems the favorite of many readers, and serves as a central axis for Wehunt’s literary universe.

In “Manido sounds. The wake”, an agonizing marriage harassed by spooky pampering decides whether to celebrate twenty -five years together or divorce. Short novel that lengthens more than the account for my liking, but that reads fluently, properly develops its history and explores ejundious themes. In addition, it is articulated around a great symbolism, which is very intuitive (I would almost say that obvious), but that, however, I do not remember seeing anyone use before.

In “a cardiac arrhythmia is filtered through a dark room”, an alter ego of Wehunt must overcome a creative block to send a story to its editor. Well exposed metaliterary proposal, with a poetic and moderately original touch that, otherwise, has seemed unimportant.

In “Dentelladas of North America”, a mass of white supremacists is gestated (literally) in the forests of Georgia. Bold portrait that uses the codes of fantastic literature to reflect on the political situation of the United States and the profile of people radicalized by it. Of very successful format, intercale extracts from several publications with descriptions of Found Fotage style videos.

In “Sorbos”, a man obsessed with an old appointment harassing through third parties, but will soon discover that they are not clean wheat. Simple high proposal thanks to Wehunt’s narrative pulse and his sinister ideas.

In “Is there still human goodness in the world?” We attend the changes that a woman suffers by losing the love of her life. A round story that has captivated me for its creativity, its rhythm, its tone and its imagery.

In “an end (ascension)” we moves us to a world where immortality is possible only for humans who have money and belong to certain generations. Although her premise is very interesting and rightly addresses the conflicts that derive from it, it is undeniable that her science fiction record does not hit the whole.

Summarizing: The inconsolatable It is an anthology that will like terror lovers (either dark, weird or psychological) with a stylistic invoice. He will also delight those who seek that the genre is placed at the service of a resonant subtext.

Of the ten stories that it compiles, I would highlight above all, by effective, “fatuous”, “detelladas de North America” ​​and “to sips”, and by outstanding “a vampire fiction”, “take care of a street dog (metaphors)” or “” There is still human goodness in the world? ” And it is that some evoke the strangeness of the great Aickman, and others are able to surprise even fatalists like me with a shy but hopeful catharsis.

The Spanish edition of The inconsolatable We owe it to delay minds. The books of this editorial usually have a very complete graphic section, and Wehunt’s anthology is no exception, as they decorate multiple photographs and black and white illustrations. Too bad, yes, do not include the drawings that Trevor Henderson made for the US version.

As for the Spanish translation of José Ángel de Dios, I must say that it works in general, although it has baffled me on a couple of occasions. In the “Fatuo” story we are told that the protagonist’s daughter goes out with a woman, when it does not seem to be like that (although I am still me who has understood it badly). There are also a couple of errata that, although they are insignificant, I have not been able They sold treesexcept in a chapter, in which the capital letter of the second word is disgrace; Also, in the “author notes” of the end of the book the title is changed slightly to the third story of the anthology.

Source: https://unlibroaldia.blogspot.com/2025/01/michael-wehunt-los-inconsolables.html

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