Hello to everyone. One more year, they have let me out of the dungeon to be able to offer you my opinion on the best and worse covers of books published in 2024. Obviously, it is a personal selection and limited to those I have been able to see (for more explanations, see the similar entry of last year). With a difference. I do not know if due to my intellectual maturity that I begin to notice the symptoms of senile dementia, this time I have included a few covers whose assessment is difficult for me to establish; I do not know if they are good or bad, adequate or inadmissible, beautiful or horrendas … so, as a tribute to the father of Italian letters, the immortal Dante Alighieri (hence The bullshit allusion in the title), and also due to a personal wink, since last year I had the opportunity to visit the tomb of such a distinguished poet (it is not that I dedicate myself to walk through cemeteries, in Mariana Enriquez plan, is that it is in The center of Ravena), I will allow myself to group these covers in three groups: those that deserve to go to paradise, purgatory or directly to hell.

However, allow me before commenting on any trend that I have seemed to notice in the edition of books in Spain and I do not know if they have come to stay or are passenger fashion (in general, almost better if it is the latter):

-The first place, the lettering It continues to occupy an important place on the shelves and tables of the bookstores, but above all queen in the romantic novel section and, even more, in the “youth romantic novel”. Excessively informal calligraphy (also known as “Lyricsjas”), so common in Anglo -Saxon editions, seems to be in decline, fortunately:

-Arotra most recent trend is that of “luxurious” covers, with illustrations and letters in relief, overdied, songs of the painted, fillet pages and others Pijadillas sumptuousities (although it is a simple cartoncillo), undoubtedly connected with the fashion of granting certain physical books the status of beautiful and “unique” objects-or at least with limited editions or for collectors-, no matter how much we know they are product of an industrial process, just like any paperback dime store. This trend, however, can give interesting results even in mass runs, such as the 50th anniversary edition of Carrie or those of the successful saga Blackwater:

-A trend I do not know if recent, at least among the drama-romantic novels of clear commercial vocation (in fact, they are usually found even in supermarkets), it is to include in the illustration a figure on their backs, usually feminine, which is Rantenanza away, who knows why (perhaps they are suggesting the possible reader or reader to flee that book …). I put you here only a few examples, but I assure you that there are many more:

-Tohit, the inevitable use of the eupemistically called artificial intelligence in illustrations of various styles (even, as can be seen, the lowbrow style of walking home) and results. The latter does the same, in reality, the important thing is to save some bitches, that the artistillas on top intend to charge for their scribbles …

And well, yes, I am going with what you are interested in you who is to make blood … (but keep in mind that if I do not put my elucubrations before I would not read them). Now, we will start with the 2024 covers that deserve to go toParadise to play with the little angels. Maybe you perceive a certain pattern in them … I already say that they correspond to my personal tastes and whoever has others That is jo

To tell us in the comments, please:

-The truth is that I am not sure if Electric shamans at the Fiesta del Sol

He convinced me or not, but I do love his magnificent cover, full of a vibrant color and that be adjusted as a glove to the argument of the novel. Without a doubt, a cover that makes you feel attracted to the book and buy it (in fact, I did) although later, you may regret it … -Absolute exquisite for the reissue of Kalpa imperial

From Angélica Gorodischer, very much appreciated, taking into account that some of his previous editions had not been illustrated with so much success, despite handling a similar idea. My Dieces, in this case. -Ectually exquisite the book coverAll eyes
by Isobel English (perhaps inspired by the dollar bills?), That I do not know if it has to do with its content, but so much gives; I like a jar … -With a concept similar to the cover of Monica Ojeda’s book, but with much more sober colors and, if you want (because this is a debatable term), elegant, we find that ofThe sand woman which refers, in addition to the very famous stamp of La Gran Ola de Kanagawa

from Hokusai. Full success by who decided to put this cover. -There can be missing in any selection of the best covers of the year any of the generally successful and many times beautiful that usually carry the impedimental books. On this occasion I have doubted the Theodoros And another very different one that I also like, that ofThe mortal percherón

. But since the book of Cărtărescu is quite recent and, in addition, it has many fans in this blog, I have decided on yours.

-Precious cover of clear lines this one of the last soccer book of Enrique Ballester; There are plenty of explanations. Which also perfectly fulfills the function of attracting attention in the Batiburrillo that is usually the news tables. The yellow color, anyway, is due to follow the line of the previous books of this author in books of the KO, who passed me at the time but are also very good.

-To end the section of best covers, I find a doubt, because I do not want to extend too much, but I also do not choose any of these, all with drawings of beautiful layout, so I put all three and I remain wider than long. .. yourself/you will decide …

And, with permission (because I know that I am extending more than the account) I do not resist here to put here some covers of American books, in the same graphic line “primorous” (well … example, to put it so) and that I hope are maintained when published in Spanish: I leave it for today, that I do not want to get heavy (in reality, I do the same, but they do not get paid for hours. Well, neither for hours nor for anythingThe damn tacañ ).Tomorrow

Juanto A Dante, we will visit the souls of Purgatory and, above all, to which eternity will pity in one of the circles of hell. They don’t save them or John Constantine … Note: Maybe it is worth doing a

Damn coversDedicated to use and, above all, abuse of AI, that there is a lot of cloth to cut … just in case, remain attentive to their screens (of mobiles or computers, it is understood).

Source: https://unlibroaldia.blogspot.com/2025/01/malditas-cubiertas-lo-mejor-de-2024.html

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