About the book:

Have you ever wondered how magic works or if it is truly effective? With this guide you will be able to learn how the energies of the universe work and how you can use them to your advantage; What are the basic tools you will need to achieve this, and the essential love, abundance, protection and health spells to become a powerful witch capable of achieving all of her goals. «I begin these pages by talking about where magic is born, how it evolves over time and how it has been persecuted and repudiated. Also, I analyze current and modern witchcraft, and how it is used,” explains Laura Medina Viejo. The author of this book is a hereditary green witch. Hereditary because she comes from a long tradition of magical practice; and green because it focuses on the domain of energy and properties of plants. Through different techniques, such as the theory of manifestation, very popular lately in society, Laura seeks to empower thousands of readers. Traditionally, the number of women who practiced magic and still practice it is greater than that of men. The knowledge of these women has been very valuable and respected, but little by little their role has been discredited. But how can we not find mermaids, fairies or witches in our legends? How can these fantastic beings not be women when we already have that magic?

*Original content provided by the publisher

Source: https://algunoslibrosbuenos.com/magia-para-empoderarte

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