I have a super power and that is to never find out about things that are trending. That’s why I’m so bad at Tik Tok. Who the hell am I? of Corina Randazzo It is the new phenomenon that has transformed thousands of lives, but I did not know about it at all, so I have had a fairly genuine approach to this reading.
Who the hell am I? It is a non-fiction book that already challenges you from its title. The author, Corina Randazzo, has a large community on networks where she is one of the most loved and respected voices on issues of self-knowledge and self-help. To be honest, it seemed very close to me as a writer because I don’t even know what her Instagram is.
What caught my attention about this reading is that it says that it is no coincidence that it appears right under your nose and, the truth is, I am that type of girls who do not miss a sign of destiny. So here I am, Corina. And the truth is that what I have discovered is a friend who guides you through its pages, very close, very direct, very transparent, and I like this. I like it because I was recently disappointed with the book of a famous person, whom I admire a lot, whose book seemed to be written by a robot (it was probably written by a robot). He had no soul. He said interesting things, but with a neutral tone that I didn’t believe. And the public persona didn’t seem as neutral as that book, so it makes me wonder who wrote what. But Corina does seem to be found among the pages of this book, perhaps I am confusing myself, but really, for those of you who also feel admiration for her person, I think you are going to find her in it.
The topics it covers are very interesting. After telling you her personal experience, she talks about indoctrination, self-care, labels, couples, suffering,… It is very enjoyable to read, and I really like that Corina gets angry if you don’t do your homework. If you are not willing to take action. It is a book that encourages you not only to read it but to apply it. He knew many exercises and, also, he knew many of the things that Randazzo tells in Who the hell am I?but I still enjoyed it because of the tone it uses. It has almost 300 pages and a lot of sincerity.
Who the hell am I? of Corina Randazzo It is not just another self-help book. It is written by someone of real flesh and blood and it feels like a conversation between friends, one of them being very determined that you change and get to know yourself better. There are many exercises, it is very practical and very action-oriented. Corina seems like a very nice aunt and, furthermore, she is sincere. Its history is also worth knowing. So yes, there’s a reason now is the time to ask yourself who the hell I am.
P.S. It already has more than 300 reviews on Amazon!
Source: https://www.lareinalectora.com/2024/11/corina-randazzo-libro-quien-cono-soy.html