
The heart of Madrid becomes a stage that beats with every step of the protagonists of this story. A novel that perfectly depicts the society of the last years of the Franco regime and the conquest for freedom of a generation of brave women who fought to make themselves heard. Matesa, the most turbulent corruption case of the Franco regime, shakes the political and social landscape in increasingly difficult times. Oblivious to this reality, Adela, a young woman from high society, only has eyes for Carlos, a young musician she has known since childhood and who only cares about two things: living without ties and her best friend Constanza. When We Had Coffee is a novel that reflects the social idealism and cultural movement that begins to bustle in the streets of Madrid with the hope of changing things. A song to freedom, to how to survive amidst so much uncertainty, but, above all, to the determination of those women and men who inspire us today to fight for our identity, to not give up and to be free to the last consequences.


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