I think that all the people who have the honor of living with an animal, we should once write their history. What Rita taught me of the writer Belén Liesa Agustín Open with an Anatole France phrase that says “Until you have loved an animal, a part of your soul will be asleep.” Nice, right? That awakening is what makes the story even more interesting. The story of having shared your years with a different species to yours with which, however, you have created a special bond.
What Rita taught me It is the second book by the writer of nature writing Belén Liesa. I have had the pleasure of chatting with her previously in different interviews and of intuiting her style and her way of seeing life, as well as transmitting it, so the label of nature writingwith which she also feels very comfortable, she hits me a lot. This genre is nothing more than the Nature writing And I think that in order to develop it, a lot of observation is needed and, above all, a lot of astonishment as they say in an article in Valencia Plaza. In the end, what we are going to find in What Rita taught me It is a reflection on The surprises of life.
Belén Liesa and her family one day They rescued a small sparrow and he decided to stay with them. It should be said that the sparrow lived in freedom, because he decided when he entered and left the house, something that for a common mortal like me is strange because we have no knowledge about the world of birds and the relationships they can establish. Two books were born between this bond between the animal and the author: A sparrow in my lounge y What Rita taught me. The first one, with a more childish writing style and aimed at a younger audience, how was all this process with Rita. The second, with a more adult narrative, what remained after the duel.

A photo of Rita assigned by Belén Liesa
This little book, recommended to enjoy on the balcon talks about the silent spaces we occupy in the lives of others and that mean absolutely everything. Human beings communicate especially through words, but the rest of living beings teach us to communicate with presence. In the book, we will see not only Rita, but also other animals that have shared life with Bethlehem such as her puppies, a canary or a wild rabbit.
In a world of cement, these books are a Vergel. They help you stop for a time in your day to day and realize that the world is out there. What Rita taught me He talks about channels that open, animals that do not have to get along with each other (or otherwise), rescue, regeneration, elections. Reading What Rita taught me I have realized that animals too (us) choose. And I don’t say it only in the mystical sense.

Rita next to one of Belén Liesa’s puppies.
For all this, What Rita taught me of Belén Liesa Agustín It is a book that I recommend. Simple reading, with few pages, reads in one afternoon (hopefully, as I have already said, with the song of the background birds) and is born as a farewell after the death of the protagonist of our history: La Gorriona Rita. She became a book and the book in teaching, especially for those who sometimes let ourselves drown through the cement of our streets and forget that the connections can be given beyond our screens (even of our congeners). A very nature writing that will leave your heart warm and wings to the point of flight, as if you were a little bird.
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Source: https://www.lareinalectora.com/2025/02/despedida-gorrion-libro-Rita-me-enseno-Belen-Liesa.html