Original Language: English

Títutulu Original: Glorious Exploits

Year of publication: 2024

Translation: Jon Bilbao

Valoración: advisable

Year 412 AC After the Athenian defeat in their attempt to conquer Syracuse, in Sicily, the Syracusans enclose the prison soldiers in some quarries and go to visit those attenInses killed by hunger becomes a hobby for the poto spot , even more so that the latter is an absolute fan of the Greek tragedy and tries that the Athenians recite passages from the works of Euripides -their favorite and the lord of carmine color and saltones that looks at us from the deck of the book- , in exchange for some food. But, not happy with those crumbs, one day decides to ride with the prisoners, there in the quarry, a representation of Medeanothing less, to which it will later be added The Trojans (Hence the exorbitant eyes of the Lord of Carmine, I suppose).

Although Gelón is the most motivated to carry out this uncertain scenic adventure, the story tells us Lampo, a more extrovert and less read -made guy -in fact, he does not know how to read or write -who sees in this madness a way of having entertaining his friend, understandably depressed from the death of his son and the abandonment of his wife; He, on the other hand, considers him a way of killing the time between visit and visit to the tavern, where Lira works, a slave who has fallen in love and also, why not, a source of income when they find one ” producer “, a strange character from Allende the seas called Tuileann. In any case, the work throws forward for the determination and cunning of both scene directors, the help of some girls who play for the fields and thanks, above all, that among the Athenians, despite being hungry, sick and sick Made dust, in general, some more or less resultons find that, conveniently cor THE PEGO… or maybe not.

With a tragicomic tone – more comic that tragic, thanks, above all, the extrovert and endearing Lampo, although the tragedy is also present, because the story takes place in times of war – this novel is advancing, quite a result of a result; Nor is it surprising, because the stories that tell how a play is mounted, almost a genre in themselves (with the subgenre of those who are interpreted by prisoners or prisoners of war … a boat soon, I remember, in a novel , The witch seed by Margaret Atwood and in cinema films such as the French The triumph o The lives of sing singthe latter recently released), are usually the most entertaining and, usually, get the reader or spectator to empathize with the hard -working characters that try to represent the work by raffling difficulties and setbacks. The same goes here, of course, with the addition that the plot takes place in the Magna Greece of almost 2500 years ago and the atmosphere, therefore, it also implies an important requirement. That it seems, in any case, quite well achieved, although I have the suspicion that the most rigorous historical novel readers may not like the casual and contemporary tone of the dialogues. For the common reading public, however, it represents an addition that reinforces the comic of the novel, due to the contrast to the antiquity of the context.

God ex -The English title is more funny, but, for once its translation, even to Latin (it should be to the Greek), it makes some sense- in any case, a great literary debut for its author, the Irishman Ferdia Lennon . Hopefully soon a new novel is offered, at least as fun as this.

Source: https://unlibroaldia.blogspot.com/2025/02/ferdia-lennon-deus-ex.html

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