Turbolover de Neobarna
by Sandroid
Turbolover by Neobarna is the first novel in the Neobarna science fiction universe, a cyberpunk dystopia set in a futuristic ruined Barcelona. Turbolover, a cyborg built from the body of a Resistance heroine, contains the Neobarna code, a key tool to emancipate dissident elements from the omnipresent ONE government.
Under a package of cyberpunk science-fiction and futuristic fantasy, Sandroide builds a novel based mainly on a wide network of characters (female, for the most part) and their interrelationships. Between spaceships, bionic arms and spies, stories develop around the passage of time, love and friendship, memory and loss.
This intricate choral character draws on the most classic feuilletonesque literary tradition; The world of Neobarna’s Turbolover is an open door to a much larger universe that has already had various previous manifestations in the form of self-published stories (published on the website dedicated to Neobarna), and which will be extended in future novels, the following of which It is already in the writing process.
This fictional universe is framed in a dystopian city that is a reflection of the real Barcelona, its society and its history but, especially, of its countercultural scene (represented in fiction by La Resistencia) of which the author takes years participating in various spaces and groups.
Hermanos Alquézar, author of the interior illustrations and the cover, has used the digital collage technique to create an aesthetic that is halfway between the illustrations and engravings of serial publications from the late 19th century. xix and the futuristic imaginary of the pulp of the sixties.
Sandroide (aka Musidora, Sandra Miralles) is a sci-fi writer, participates in various musical projects (Hong Kong Luna, Qbits, Diamantes Brutos and Turbolover, among others) and is the founder of the Frente Sónico Futurista collective.
Between 1997 and 2008 she was the director of the program on science fiction and futuristic fantasies Ciencia Infusa on Radio PICA (Barcelona).
Sandroide has self-published various stories in fanzine format framed in the Neobarna universe. He is also a member of the literary experimentation group MEL, with which he has participated in the short story anthologies A Thing Pink (La Maquina, 2021) and Flores (La Maquina, Black Machine Collection, 2022).
Source: https://algunoslibrosbuenos.com/turbolover-de-neobarna