To the extreme!
by Eloy Gayán Rodríguez
Rita and Cosme, retired shepherds, are urged to resume their activity to help an African family, victim of a human trafficking organization. In the company of Álex, his grandson, an urban teenager who denies nature, they begin an escape that sparks the exchange of cultures, the evocation of ruined traditions and tragic episodes in the history of Spain. Together they discover and contemplate a country full of motionless roads, abandoned lands and soulless houses that fade away among stubble and memories. With the pastoral environment that they longed for alive, Cosme and Rita hit their staffs against the earth and recover from oblivion the rules dictated by the Mesta, by the Casa de Ganaderos de Zaragoza and by the Community of Santa María de Albarracín. Rules and institutions that have been dormant over the centuries, but that contemplate and respond to the problems of today’s Spain, which laziness or ignorance prevent us from solving.
Eloy Gayán (Oviedo, 1964) is a doctor in Law and a university professor. He carries out his teaching and research work at the Faculty of Law of A Coruña. He was dean between 2005 and 2013.
He has published monographs and articles in the field of private international law and immigration law. He is the author of the novels The Silent Ladies (2017) and A Bridge to Peulla (2020).
To the extreme! It is his third work.
Source: https://algunoslibrosbuenos.com/a-extremo