To the body of a woman
by Alejandra MartÃnez de Miguel
Alejandra MartÃnez de Miguel – the poet who revolutionized poetry with her scenic power – returns with an intimate and brave book, a tribute to the body she desires.
An intimate portrait of desire. A brave tribute to the body.
This collection of poems is a bold, uncomfortable, intimate and combative tribute to the body – the sick body, the body that is rid of pleasure, the body of our childhood, the guilty body, the body of the women who preceded us, the body that overflows, the body that accompanies us, the body that is destroyed and healed – and desire, which is finally allowed.
Alejandra MartÃnez de Miguel (Madrid, 1994) considers herself, above all, an artist. She has two careers, a driver’s license, a desire to change the world, and a ton of special powers. She is an actress, psychologist and poet. She was the Poetry Slam Madrid champion in 2017 and runner-up in the National Poetry Slam in 2018. She can’t imagine her life outside of a stage. She acts, directs and writes. Báilatelo sola is her first book, the thing about the tree and the son is still not clear.
Source: https://algunoslibrosbuenos.com/al-cuerpo-de-una-mujer