The young beasts
by Davide Longo
The second case of The Piedmont Crimes by Davide Longo, the great voice of European crime fiction. “The Camilleri of Piedmont.” La Vanguardia «A round, entertaining, ambitious and addictive crime novel series.» Now that I read “What bothers me most about the series starring Bramard and Arcadipane is not having written it myself.” Alessandro Baricco “The most talented Italian author of his generation.” GQ “A dazzling police series.” The Times
At a construction site near Turin, railway workers find the bones of men and women buried in a mass grave. The case falls into the hands of Arcadipane, who sees how in just a few hours a group of personnel specialized in historical analysis takes charge, stating that the remains date back to the Second World War. Arcadipane, suspicious of the speed with which the case has been taken away from him, decides to carry out an analysis of a femur, the results of which will reveal that the remains are from the seventies, which leads him to seek help in Corso Bramard, who now lives in retirement. Together, and with the help of the Isa police, they will discover that the femur belongs to the main suspect in an attack against the MSI headquarters in Turin, and they will delve into a post-war story that reaches to the present. With them a plot from the seventies will come to light. An attempt to change the political history of the country that someone wants to cover up for the second time.
Davide Longo was born in Carmagnola, Turin, in 1971. His first novel, Un mattino a Irgalem, received the Grinzane Cavour Prize for Best First Novel and the Via Po Prize. Il mangiattore di pietre (The Stone Eater, Rag Tongue) was awarded the City of Bergamo Prize and the Viadana Prize, and was made into a film with its script in 2017. L’uomo verticale (2010) was recognized with the Lucca Prize. He has also made documentaries and written scripts for theater, in addition to collaborating in media such as La Repubblica, and radio. He is also the author of children’s books and has participated in various story anthologies. The Bramard Affair is the first novel in the Piedmont Crimes series, starring commissioners Bramard and Arcadipane, followed by The Young Beasts, Una rabbia semplice (forthcoming) and La vita pagan il sabato. He lives between Turin, where he teaches Creative Writing at the prestigious Scuola Holden, founded by fellow Turin native Alessandro Baricco, and his home in the Varaita Valley, where he has created Alfabaita, an artistic residency project.
Source: https://algunoslibrosbuenos.com/las-bestias-jovenes