The white lady
by Alicia García-Herrera
No Tolkien fan can miss this novel. The story of the woman who inspired JRR Tolkien one of his most famous characters from The Lord of the Rings: the elf Galadriel
On the 50th anniversary of JRR Tolkien’s death, Alicia García Herrera has written an exciting novel that reveals the origin of one of the greatest literary phenomena of the 20th century: The Lord of the Rings.
A beautiful story of mercy, redemption and love that will last beyond death.
Somme Front, October 1916. After the attack on the Regina trench, signal officer JRR Tolkien falls ill with Quintana fever. The conditions of extreme weakness in which he finds himself cause him to be evacuated to the number one hospital of the Red Cross, located in the Casino of Le Touquet-Paris-Plage. There he is cared for by volunteer nurse Gala Eliard, a fascinating aristocrat fleeing a stormy past and driven by the need to save the life of at least one man. The brief meeting between the two, which takes place during just eight days, will forever change the writer’s creative world and light the spark that will inspire the creation of one of his most powerful characters, the elf Galadriel, and of whom she will be one of the greatest literary phenomena of the 20th century.
Alicia García-Herrera, PhD from the University of Valencia and master’s degree, has usually dedicated herself to the field of research in social and human sciences. She collaborates with the cultural section of the newspaper La Vanguardia and its supplement, Revista de Letras; She also collaborates with the literary magazines Quimera, La Retaguardia, Mercurio and Crátera, in addition to being a lecturer. In 2017 she was the winner of the first prize for narrative from the General Directorate of the Institut Valencià per les Dones i per la Igualtat de Gènere, with the work Calle Progreso 36, for sale. She is the author of two legal essays and the informative work That was not in my book of Greek mythology (Almuzara, 2021). The White Lady (Plaza & Janés, 2023), about the writer JRR Tolkien, is her first novel.
Source: https://algunoslibrosbuenos.com/la-dama-blanca