The scorpion smile
by Celia Añó
A mystery behind closed doors. Twelve participants. A most dangerous game. In a palace on a remote island, twelve young people live under the supervision of Cuervo, an automaton professor who instructs them and controls their participation in a sinister game: the Night of the Scorpion. At the end of the day, each of the players plays a role and practices for the final game, during which they must be cautious and forge alliances so that the murderer, the so-called scorpion, does not win. They think they are ready, but everything goes wrong the night when, after dying in what everyone believed to be an accident, Liliana crawls out of the grave and the twelve participants become thirteen. From that moment on, events accelerate: the game begins and, when the players begin to fall one after another, it becomes clear that the scorpion is not the only one among the thirteen that poses a mortal threat. Celia Añó surprises us with an irresistible intrigue that will captivate both fans of closed-door mystery and detective novels and fans of fantasy and horror.
Celia Añó Espí (Valencia, 1995) has studied Pharmacy at the University of Valencia. She has always dreamed of writing, and she has been fulfilling that dream for years now: Celia has published several stories under some of the most notable labels in the country in terms of horror and fantasy literature. In 2018 he published his first book, Arachnephobia, winner of the VI Baskerville Prize for best short novel, which was followed by Run, Renina, Run, The Council of the Gods of Calamity, The Paradox of a Before and After and the collection Los Devourer of mysteries. Celia is not only moved by her passion for writing: she also really enjoys drawing, spoiling her rats and losing her head in the clouds.
Source: https://algunoslibrosbuenos.com/la-sonrisa-del-escorpion