The sect
by Carola López Moya

For the first time in Spain, in 2021 an administration opened a sanctioning procedure against a Sevillian psychologist under the accusation of promoting conversion therapies for trans people. It happened to Carola López Moya, after having suffered a real hunt from several organizations that reported her to the Ministry of Health of the Government of Andalusia, for some tweets in which she stated that “trans women are men” or that “the “Sex reassignment surgeries are a business that profits from the discomfort caused by gender.”

Finally, the Board archived the file, since it considered that the psychologist’s opinions did not constitute an administrative infraction punishable by fines of between 60,000 and 120,000 euros, or even temporary disqualification. But this helped Carola López learn how transactivism harassment campaigns work and the sectarian manipulation strategies that she uses.

In this book he analyzes how the queer movement has transformed into a new religion, with its own inquisition to burn at the stake or stone those who dare to contradict its dogmas. The author exposes how this sect uses coercive persuasion, propaganda, censorship and promises of salvation, and how it targets vulnerable people such as adolescents.


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