The secret of the Indiana
by Jorge Laguna
A strange death. Two brothers in ruin. And the arrival of an unknown investor who hides a big secret.
A strange death. Two brothers in ruin. And the arrival of an unknown investor who hides a big secret.
La Palma Island, 1876. Miguel and Alejandro are twins who have suddenly inherited the La Indiana tobacco factory. They both want to continue with the family business, but they discover that it is on the verge of bankruptcy. The only option is to sell it.
Eliana, originally from Cuba, has just settled on the island. Fascinated by the tobacco company, she is willing to invest in the business to help them. But the woman hides a secret that, if discovered, could ruin everyone’s lives.
With an evocative style and a beautiful setting that takes us back to the Spain of the last colonies and the consequences of a slave past, Jorge Laguna offers readers a story that seduces and captivates. Love, forbidden relationships, secrets, Freemasonry, slavery and homosexuality… The Secret of La Indiana is a moving novel that explores the limits of power and betrayal, in which the characters are victims of their past in a family dynasty that has spent decades trying to save face.
Jorge Laguna (Tenerife, 1994) is a screenwriter, journalist and director. He began his career as a contributor to various media outlets. He has participated as a screenwriter in series such as Brigada Costa del Sol (Netflix/Telecinco) or in the documentary Babylon. He has worked on the development of other film and TV projects for production companies and platforms in Spain and Latin America. He has received various awards for film and television writing, such as the one awarded by RTVE at Conecta Fiction 2021, the ALMA Award 2019 and the CIIF Market Award 2019. El secreto de La Indiana is his first novel.
Source: https://algunoslibrosbuenos.com/el-secreto-de-la-indiana