Original language: EspaƱol
Year of publication: 2016
Valuation: Alright
To all this we must add two other things that also hinder The mummy and the nanny: its writing, which is sometimes poor and repetitive, and the “creepypasteros” vices that it accuses (such as the list of instructions or the blinking scene), since it fails to integrate them convincingly into the plot or dialogue with them metaliterarily.
Be that as it may, The mummy and the nanny It has many redeemable aspects, ranging from the originality of its premise and characters to its occasional sense of humor. And few books present concepts as crazy as monsters invented by a girl in an internet forum that then come to life, or an army of babysitters who, unknowingly, have become part of a strange plan.
Anyway: I recommend this “novelette” to those who want to enter the bizarre through a different and extravagant story compared to what they are used to, but affordable and modest within the parameters of the genre to which it belongs. In my opinion it is a gateway as valid and competent as, for example, any of Carlton Mellick III’s delirious stories would be.
Source: https://unlibroaldia.blogspot.com/2024/12/tamara-romero-la-momia-y-la-ninera.html