About the book

A man, two girls and two women (one of them pregnant) were massacred with axes on a local farm, and as a result five local farmers were sentenced to life imprisonment following a murky judicial process in which the authorities sought to hide the truth of what happened.

The conviction of these five peasants was the beginning of a series of campaigns in the newspapers of the time led by the defense lawyers, convinced of the innocence of their defendants and that a serious judicial error had been committed. And even that all this could be part of a plot much more perverse and atrocious than the crime itself.

“That event had caused tremendous damage in numerous
families, so much so that a century later their faces were still visible.
havoc; however, in all that time no one had taken the
trouble of investigating it thoroughly.”

The spectre of a first-rate conspiracy, which could involve political figures, officers of the Civil Guard and even the landowner who owned the estate, Don Agustín Díaz-Agero, the Count of Malladas, hovered over the case from the very beginning, and it acquired such importance that it came to test the stability of the political and judicial system of the Restoration, since figures and institutions such as Miguel de Unamuno, the PSOE, Freemasonry, feminist associations of the early 20th century, future ministers of the Republic and King Alfonso XIII himself took part in it in one way or another.

More than a hundred years have passed since the crime, and in this book the author brings to light a terrible but necessary truth, based on extensive and arduous research and documentation work, in order to honour the memory of the victims, of the innocent condemned, and of the families of all of them after more than a century of lies, silence and oblivion.

*Original content provided by the publisher

Source: https://algunoslibrosbuenos.com/el-crimen-de-malladas-2

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