Original language: English

Original title: The Emotional Life of Populism

Translation: Alejandro Katz
Year of publication: 2023.
Valuation: quite recommended.

Pay attention to the subtitle of the book: “How fear, disgust, resentment and love undermine democracy. Also pay attention to the author, sociologist fashionable I hope I’m not wrong because online queries can be misleading. She was born in Morocco, resides in Israel and writes this essay in English. A priori, such a mix of cultural ancestors should provide a plus of credibility, but we already know what times we live in and nothing is further than the absolute truth when facing certain issues, and much more so, in these unstable and exciting times. Because this book, to begin with, was written before 10-7-2023 which is, for the Israeli people, their particular recreation of 9-11-2001. Figures that are burned into memory because they represent the end of an era for their nations. Use the term you prefer, although the most used tend to be grandiose and multi-faceted: attacks on the heart of nations, desecration of soil, and a long list of terms that, used openly or subliminally, end up exerting the same reaction. hypnotic in the masses: we have been attacked, we must defend ourselves, that is a natural reaction.

But I insist that The emotional life of populism It does not contemplate these events, for just a few months, although curiously reading this essay fully immersed in its uncertain repercussions only overexcites the reader’s sensitivity. I am writing this review without the Israeli response to the Iranian attack having yet occurred, a small detail that can absolutely determine how the reader reads this review.

Illouz begins the essay with an extensive introduction, until page 31 we do not face the text itself and, although it seems that the topic is going to be addressed in a global way, the perspective becomes more focused and practically the text ends up talking about the political situation in Israel. , specifically all the political and social mechanisms that have ended up turning Netanyahu into a kind of revered and unquestioned leader before the masses (local and global), how they have been used (by him, but also by his specific allies or more or less frequent) to, through the manipulation of emotional springs, become a kind of third power capable of deciding planetary fate. A clear, structured text, somewhat captive to the particular conditions of Israeli society, but exemplary if one extrapolates its influence and is able to transfer it to the basic confrontations of our time: Zelensky/Puti, Trump/Harris, etc.

And what happens with every essay happens. Aside from what is logical and necessary, which is to push the reader to reflect, whoever agrees most with what has been stated, Illouz is quite critical, especially about the traps and support of the media that helps Netanyahu, will find essential reading. I even perceive that a favorable or unfavorable criticism ideologically defines whoever subscribes to it. Read the book, square the dates, exercise the option of reasonable doubt, look for third ways, because confrontation is the favorite territory of extremes.

Source: https://unlibroaldia.blogspot.com/2024/10/eva-illouz-la-vida-emocional-del.html

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