A succession of unexpected events will occur.

The cards are on the table. The world is in chaos. A countdown will destroy the world.


The publishing house Esfera Dorada is making its debut on the literary market with ‘Los Electores’, the novel by Sergio Milán-Jerez (L’Hospitalet de Llobregat, 1985) that describes a dystopian future in which all power is in the hands of a small group of people.

The story, starring Cuban librarian Rebeca Molinari, leads the reader on an intriguing path of action, espionage, abuse of power and violence.

The narrative proposal introduces an action component that is intertwined, from the very prologue, with a mysterious plot about authoritarianism and the excesses of absolutist leaders in a hypothetical year 2090.

A world dictatorship that spans the second half of the 21st century. A totalitarianism capable of destroying entire countries with the Norberiak S and the push of a button. A world without sovereign countries, all of them subject to the whim of the sole power led by William Jones and his son Leonard.

Rebeca Molinari will have to face exciting scenes full of danger while the reader reflects on very current issues related to propaganda, fake news and the lies of unscrupulous rulers.

To do so, he will have the help of Daniel Vega, once William Jones’ trusted man and now a fugitive who, with the support of La Fortaleza, will fight for the liberation of countries oppressed by repression.

A succession of unexpected events will occur. The cards are dealt. The world is in chaos. A countdown will destroy the world. Good and evil will clash, once and for all.

*Original content provided by the publisher

Source: https://algunoslibrosbuenos.com/los-electores

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