About the book:

The protagonists Giacomo Botura The baker of Italian origin is a humble man with three great idols: his grandmother, Nona, a mechanic turned singer and a soccer player. He has found in the art of making bread a way to express his feelings and bring joy to his customers. For him, making bread and life have many things in common and for both to turn out well, a series of ingredients are needed: love, patience, time and dedication Sofie Eichner She realized her great dream and became a prima ballerina, but after suffering a accident that separates him from the stage forever, he feels that he not only lost his career but also his identity. At the bakery she learns to close that chapter of her life, go through an important change, and, above all, love herself simply as Sofie (and not as a successful dancer). If you know how to make good bread, it means that you have understood what ingredients you need to live a happy life Carsten Henn surprises us with another moving story that is inspired by the art of making bread to transmit some important life lessons: changes, love in all its forms and second chances

*Original content provided by the publisher


Why read The Baker Who Baked Stories? It is a tender, moving and light feel-good novel, which leaves a very good feeling. It tells the story of a man with a difficult past who faces life as if he were kneading bread. The protagonists are very well characterized and the secondary characters are very original. Ha excited and inspired readers in the 25 countries in which it has been published

Source: https://algunoslibrosbuenos.com/el-panadero-que-horneaba-historias

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