About the book

Bestselling author Natalia Sanchidrián publishes the third part of her personal growth trilogy “Flying High: A Journey That Will Transform Our Lives”

An open and sincere invitation for you to stop desperately searching for what you don’t have and start trusting in life and in yourself, giving yourself body and soul to the person who wants to emerge from within you.

From pain to spiritual fulfillment, from suffering to tranquility, and from insecurity to self-esteem, in this book we will find a powerful and crucial message: there is no circumstance that can truly prevent us from finding our authenticity and expanding freely.

In her new work, based on her own testimony, Natalia Sanchidrián shares the importance of accepting our experiences as part of a process that will help us understand that, despite having had great personal, professional or spiritual growth, we can still feel like victims of fate. The author invites us to take a journey into our interior that will transform our lives.

After living a childhood marked by abuse and trauma, Natalia Sanchidrián had to face the limitations of the mental and behavioral disorders that this caused, until she decided to ask for help and went in search of the life she deserved. She lived and worked in eight different countries, began to discover her true potential and returned to Spain with a purpose: to face her fears and publish her books. Today she is a best-selling author, as well as passionate about Emotional Intelligence and a Psychology student. But her greatest success, as she says, has been being able to be herself, express herself freely and invite other people to do the same through personal growth, becoming aware of who we really are and the great potential we have to achieve what we want.

Source: https://algunoslibrosbuenos.com/prueba-de-fe

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