The author:

Mario Montoro is, basically, a restless soul. A restless little ass who, when he is not —on the first cloud that passes by— dreaming of impossible journeys; he is —on the second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth…— imagining different books.

In a way that was, let’s say, accidental or experimental, in 2012 he published a book —with the family savings for the summer—: A TROMPICONES POR ÁFRICA!!!

A work that turns the boring and flat literary panorama of travel upside down and that, for reasons still unknown, becomes the guidebook of the experienced traveler. Attracting the attention of Midac Llibres SL

This literary invention, far from ending in catastrophe, bankruptcy, or auto-da-fé, opens the doors to a world full of possibilities and readers eager to read a different adventure. An adventure without colorants or preservatives.

Thanks to this project, the author unwittingly embarks on a tour that takes him to cities and towns in the Iberian Peninsula, where he will recount, over and over again, without wavering, his traveling and literary adventures and misadventures, like a noble knight in search of a crazy dream.

With the wind in your sails and good reviews, you will enjoy people who will open their wallets, the shelves in their homes and their hearts to you.

His long-suffering family in Granada will be delighted to witness this dizzying rise to the skies. They remind him, every so often and with affection, when they see him flying too high that… if the BIG ones of literature fall, the LITTLE ONES crash. However, Mario Montoro is not afraid of failure, and if he is, he masks it behind a broad smile of a winner.

The meager fame comes and goes. And the author, so sad, so happy, and just as poor, falls into the bottomless pit of immediate oblivion, where he regains the time and the desire to write again.

During this journey through the desert of letters, the years go by, and with them multiple trips and new adventures: Morocco, Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Europe, the USA, Iceland… which will not provide for an “unauthorized” biography of the subject of this essay, for the moment, but will be the seed of his second book, Aitana and Willy: adventure in Africa.


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