Splitting the air – Sutures of the soul
by Maru Bernal
Winds from the North and nostalgia from the South fly over this particular emotional geography that crosses from the Mediterranean to the Cantabrian Sea in an intimate, eventful journey, full of detours, stops, setbacks and twists and turns; a round trip sustained in time and space by that irrepressible desire to return again and again to the starting point, the lost paradise of childhood, to touch mare.
Maru Bernal, born in Barcelona in 1964, has lived in Cantabria for more than thirty years.
Graduated in Classical Philology from the University of Salamanca (1982-1987), she works as a teacher at a Secondary Education Institute.
Finalist in the “LIV Hermanos Argensola International Poetry Prize” 2022 with ““Not all of us returned from Troy”
Award for the best collection of poems in the “LXI International Poetry Contest “Amantes de Teruel” 2022 with “Iambic Rumors”.
“City of Salamanca Poetry Award 2022” with “Not all of us returned from Troy”
Source: https://algunoslibrosbuenos.com/hendiendo-el-aire-suturas-del-alma