Review of the book “Las revanchas” by Ángel García Roldán.
“Las revanchas” is a novel written by Spanish author Ángel García Roldán that follows the story of several characters who are affected by the Spanish Civil War and its consequences on daily life. The plot takes place in a small town in the interior of Spain and focuses on the lives of its inhabitants, who become involved in a series of events that lead them to confront their past and their own decisions.
What is a revenge? According to the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy, it is “the action and effect of taking revenge or getting even for an offense or damage received.” But it can also mean “the opportunity to make amends for a previous defeat or failure.” In both cases, it is a very common and powerful human feeling, which can motivate people to improve themselves or to fall into violence.
In his novel Las revanchas, the writer Ángel García Roldán explores the different ways in which the characters seek to settle their pending accounts with the past, with others and with themselves. Through an agile and involving plot, the author introduces us to a group of friends who meet again after many years in a rural house, where tensions, secrets and conflicts are unleashed.
The novel is divided into three parts: the first focuses on the present, where the protagonists face their current problems; the second goes back to the past, where the origins of their relationships and their traumas are revealed; and the third returns to the present, where situations are resolved and circles are closed. The author uses a direct and simple style, which makes it easy to read and identify with the characters.
Las revenges is a novel that reflects on forgiveness, guilt, friendship and love. It is a work that invites us to question whether it is worth living with resentment or if it is better to let go of the past and move on. It is a story that shows us that revenge can be positive or negative, depending on how we face them and what we are looking for with them. It is a recommended read for all those who enjoy psychological novels and human emotions.
One of the most notable aspects of this novel is its literary style. Ángel García Roldán has a unique and evocative way of writing that immerses you in the rural atmosphere of the town and makes you feel as if you were right there. The author uses poetic and detailed prose to describe the landscapes, characters, and situations presented in the novel. Additionally, the use of dialogue and interior monologues helps build the characters and their motivations in a deeper way.
The novel addresses relevant topics such as the Spanish Civil War, the Franco dictatorship and the impact of these events on people’s daily lives. Ángel García Roldán not only explores history and politics, but also how they affect the personal relationships and psychology of the characters.
Another aspect that I liked about this novel is the variety of characters and their interconnected stories. Through the perspectives of several characters, the novel shows how the Spanish Civil War has left an indelible mark on society and how its consequences extend to the present. The characters are complex and realistic, which makes them even more interesting to follow.
Furthermore, the novel has an intriguing plot that keeps you hooked. There are several twists and surprises in the story that make reading exciting and surprising. The ending of the novel is especially powerful and moving, bringing the story to a satisfying close.
In summary, “Las revanchas” is an emotional and well-written novel that addresses relevant topics such as the Spanish Civil War, the Franco dictatorship and its consequences on daily life. The evocative literary style, the variety of characters and their interconnected stories, and the intriguing plot make this novel a powerful and exciting read.
Source: https://algunoslibrosbuenos.com/las-revanchas-opinion