Review of the book “I haven’t left my night” by Annie Ernaux.
“I Have Not Left My Night” is an autobiographical novel by French writer Annie Ernaux, first published in 1997. This work is a deeply personal exploration of the depression that the author suffered in the 1980s and the way in which she This affected her life, her identity, and her relationship with the world around her.
“I haven’t left my night,” by Annie Ernaux. It is an autobiographical story in which the author narrates her experience caring for her mother who is sick with Alzheimer’s. It is a short but intense book, which shows us the rawness and tenderness of a filial relationship marked by forgetfulness and dependency.
The work is divided into four parts, corresponding to the four visits that Ernaux makes to his mother in the residence where she is hospitalized. Each part is made up of short fragments, almost like notes or notes, in which the author describes what she sees, what she feels and what she remembers. There is no chronological line or a defined plot, but rather a succession of moments that reflect the progressive deterioration of the mother and the pain of her daughter.
What impressed me most about the book was the honesty and lucidity with which Ernaux writes about his mother. She does not idealize or dramatize her situation, but shows it as it is, with its moments of lucidity and its moments of confusion, with its gestures of affection and its gestures of rejection, with its coherent words and its meaningless words. Ernaux does not hide his anguish, his helplessness, his guilt, and her anger at his mother’s illness, but he also does not renounce her love, his respect, and her memory.
The book is also a tribute to the life of her mother, a humble and hard-working woman who had to face many difficulties and who always sacrificed herself for her family. Ernaux recovers some episodes from his childhood and her youth, when her mother was an active, intelligent and proud person. Thus, the book becomes a way to preserve the identity of her mother, to not let Alzheimer’s erase her history.
I think this book is a highly recommended read for all those who have experienced or are experiencing a situation similar to that of Ernaux. It is a book that helps us better understand what Alzheimer’s means, both for the patient and the caregiver. It is a book that makes us reflect on the value of memory, communication and affection. It is a book that moves us and enriches us.
In this book, Ernaux recounts his experience of depression in a way that is both frank and poetic. The author describes how, despite having been successful in her career, her depression led her to feel a deep sense of isolation and hopelessness. Ernaux delves into the details of her illness, telling how the darkness of the night and the lack of light in her apartment became a symbol of her sadness.
In “I Have Not Left My Night,” Ernaux explores the roots of her depression, including her relationship with her father, who died when she was a child, and the sense of emptiness and loss that followed her throughout her life. She also addresses how the French society and culture of the time she lived in pushed her to feel isolated and directionless.
Ernaux’s prose is extremely lyrical and evocative, making it a moving read with great emotional impact. The author is very honest about her feelings, even those that are uncomfortable or painful. Through her writing, she takes us on a journey through her darkest and deepest thoughts, which in turn leads us to reflect on our own relationship with sadness and depression.
“I Have Not Left My Night” is a literary work of art that stands out for its ability to explore the complexity of the human experience through the lens of the author’s personal experience. It is a valuable read for anyone who has dealt with depression or anxiety, as well as those interested in the exploration of identity and human psychology.
In short, “I Have Not Left My Night” is a moving, lyrical and evocative work that offers a personal and honest exploration of depression. Ernaux’s prose is beautiful and thoughtful, making it a deep and emotional read. This novel is an important contribution to autobiographical literature and a testament to Ernaux’s ability to capture the complexity of human life in his writing.
Source: https://algunoslibrosbuenos.com/no-he-salido-de-mi-noche