About the book
Alfonso Tarancón and Javier del Valle: Premonitions. When the climate alert justifies everything.
In recent years, climate change has become a controversial argument constantly appearing in the media, which tends to be blamed for the origin of practically all of our current problems. But is such an overwhelming presence justified? And what is more important, how much premonition and how much scientific rigor is there in this phenomenon?
In Premonitions, scientists Alfonso Tarancón and Javier del Valle throw a good dose of sanity on a topic that, despite the efforts of certain sectors to affirm the opposite, is by no means clear. In its pages, they examine climate variations over the centuries, and elucidate the often non-existent relationship between a multitude of problems.
A book based on environmental, social or economic facts and evidence. A fresh and necessary look at a phenomenon that science does not support with the completeness that many take for granted.
And, in the words of the scientists themselves:
Our opinions are based on data and observations, so our analysis of the current situation must be analyzed and eventually criticized in that context.
For all this, we will have to talk about science: physics, geology, climatology, and also, unfortunately, politics, sociology, economics… all of them disciplines that have been mixed in a totum revolutum, a diabolical cocktail from which a theory that has become religion.
This book does not reflect the idea of two people; We wanted to disseminate in it the vision of the problem that many scientists, thinkers, politicians or ordinary citizens share, for whom it is currently difficult to explain it, unless they want to run the risk of being automatically branded as deniers or branded. of buffoons, if not directly of antisocial extremists.
We wish to clarify from the beginning that those of us who do not defend the current theory of climate change are not enemies of nature; We are staunch defenders of the environment, of eliminating polluting waste appropriately or of punishing environmental abuses. That is, we are committed to a habitable and clean planet. A planet where humans can develop and live better and better.
We accept a judgment of opinion on our scientific arguments, not a judgment from those who put into the mouths of those like us who are critical, words or opinions that they have never uttered, or from those who disqualify us for not going with the flow. majority. Defenders of the theory of climate change include groups that advocate extreme measures, some unreasonable, but this does not mean that moderate defenders are associated with such extremist ideologies. In the same way, there are those who oppose the theory of climate change by citing unscientific arguments, equally unreasonable, but whose proposals or opinions cannot be attributed to those of us who are on the side of science.
Our opinions are based on data and observations, so our analysis of the current situation must be analyzed and eventually criticized in that context. For all this, we will have to talk about science: physics, geology, climatology, and also, unfortunately, politics, sociology, economics… all disciplines that have been mixed in a totum revolutum, a diabolical cocktail from which a theory that has become religion.
Source: https://algunoslibrosbuenos.com/premoniciones