Coke Shipyard
A fictional story that tells the story of a character, Manel Queralt, and his experience in the fight against terrorism, 20 years later.
In the mid-nineties, a young lieutenant of the Civil Guard, Manel Queralt, was assigned to the Basque Country. There, in the Information Service of the Bilbao command, he takes charge of the PROA 5.6 operational group, an indomitable handful of young civil guards who are not used to obeying, only doing what they must. The group has been tasked with controlling an ETA mailbox. This will be the subject of a tense dispute between the Civil Guard and the National Police that, with overlapping surveillance, will put the operation at risk.
Queralt discovers an unimagined reality that little by little transforms his euphoria and excitement into disenchantment and helplessness; a reality that, to a large extent, has gone unnoticed by chroniclers and historians.
In Pazman, ETA’s atrocities are or are based on real events, and many characters are inspired by people the author knew. It is not just another story about the fight against ETA. Pazman is the choral story of the men and women who fought against ETA. About their rushed, confused, forgotten and prejudged lives.
Coque Astillero, Colonel of the Civil Guard, is currently head of the Department of Coasts and Borders of the Civil Guard Headquarters. He spent most of his career dealing with international police cooperation, counterterrorism, intelligence and border control.
Source: https://algunoslibrosbuenos.com/pazman