About the book

Paris woke up late It is a moving and beautiful love story whose protagonist, a talented seamstress with a broken heart, will fight to achieve all her dreams.

Thanks to exhaustive research, Máximo Huerta transforms this addictive story into a reflection of an extraordinary era, recreating the world of the Montmartre artists and the atmosphere of the wonderful twenties in the French capital.

This romantic drama is a song to life that pays tribute to true love, female friendship and the need to rediscover ourselves and take control of our existence.

Paris woke up late by Máximo Huerta is a touching and beautiful love story whose protagonist, Alice Humbert, a talented seamstress with a broken heart, will fight to achieve all her dreams. The author populates its pages with fictional and real characters such as Kiki de Montparnasse, Man Ray, Monet, Modigliani and Jeanne Hebuterne, Coco Chanel, Scott Fitzgerald, Ernest Hemingway or Baron Pierre de Coubertin.

Paris is a success, and so is Alice, her designs are gaining fame. Between parties and new challenges, she meets a man who dazzles her. Everything seems to be going great, but the past comes back with secrets and the present takes an unexpected turn. Beauty, passion and happiness can be flames of the same fire, the question is: Alice, does she want to burn again?

We are in Paris in 1924, where the city is preparing to host the Olympic Games, founded on the symbol of unity and brotherhood. Everything is in full swing: the completion of the Basilica of the Sacred Heart, artistic movements, anarchism, its despair…

Why do you have to read this book?
Goodbye, Little One, the novel with which Máximo Huerta won the Fernando Lara Prize in 2022, has accumulated nine editions and almost fifty thousand copies sold.

With this story, Máximo Huerta returns to Paris, an emblematic and magical territory that has worked wonderfully for him in previous novels with which he has won over thousands of readers.

Paris Woke Up Late combines the Parisian splendor of the 1920s, joy, celebration, beauty and deep love, but also painful events that will shake us and move us in a way that hardly any other novel can.

In this extraordinary story that takes place during the 1924 Olympic Games held in Paris, famous painters and writers, athletes and figures of power cross paths, but one bright, funny, daring woman stands out above all, and will steal the hearts of all readers: the immortal Kiki de Montparnasse.

Máximo is currently experiencing one of his sweetest moments on a creative level: he has taken off again with La Librería de Doña Leo, more than a space where books are sold, a great cultural revolution in Buñol, Valencia.

One hundred years ago, the 1924 Olympic Games were held in Paris, a grand ceremony that will be repeated a century later at the same venue: Paris 2024. Everything is in place to create a special connection.

Source: https://algunoslibrosbuenos.com/paris-despertaba-tarde

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