About the author
The first day at that new primary school was decisive in the author’s career. She raised her hand to ask a question and addressed the teacher as “Zeñorita.” A burst of laughter surprised her. Soon, she would understand that in Madrid they did not speak with the Zeta like in her homeland, Andalusia. But probably from that need to adapt to her environment was born her vocation for languages, which would lead her to study Romance and Anglo-Germanic Philology. Upon graduation, she chose teaching and became an English teacher.
Her first steps in writing were simple notes in the notebook that accompanied her on her travels: reflections on curious passengers, descriptions of inspiring horizons… Later, while she was training as a writer at the Barcelona Athenaeum, she wrote several suspense stories published in various publications. anthologies (Three devotions, A popular neighborhood, etc.), and finished his first work, titled The silence of the children.
Already in 2019, while studying the Master’s Degree in Literary Creation at the UPF Business School of Management, he was developing the novel presented here, The Empty Gaze.
What are your aspirations now? Above all, that many Spanish-speaking readers enjoy this story and share their impressions with them. And, of course, continue reading and writing, because if something is at the root of your impulse towards literature, it is, without a doubt, the love of languages and dialects. Including, of course, the Andalusian. With zeta.
Who has not seen on a thousand occasions the image of a writer surrounded by balls of crumpled paper? Or, more recently, the same writer staring at his computer screen with a blank mind? However, I would say that the tribulations that writing afflicts those who are still in the learning process are greater. And I will demonstrate it by citing several episodes. In one of my stories I told how a ragged man—looking like a drug addict—broke into a herbal shop, full of very expensive “bio-eco” foods and healthy customers (apparently willing to give up half a salary to protect themselves and the planet). ). As soon as he entered, a tremendous apprehension was already palpable in the store, due to the looks and a kind of muffled cackling. I wrote the story because I had witnessed that scene and I found it very shocking. —What is the problem in this scene? —asked my Narrative teacher. Nobody knew how to answer… Keep reading
Presentation of “The Empty Gaze” at the Alibri Bookstore in Barcelona, with the collaboration of the Escola d’Escriptura del Ateneo Barcelonés and the editor: https://www.instagram.com/tv/CRHRkJagx7k/
“The Empty Gaze” draws – in its structure – from “Talking Alone” (A. Neuman), “Fiesta en la Madriguera” (JP Villalobos) and “La Hojarasca” (Gabriel García Márquez), since the three protagonist voices – of Sam, Pablo and their mother (Emma) – they rotate and grow in parallel. But in this story this game of rotation contributes to verisimilitude because it immerses us even further in the spiral of obsession of Emma and Pablo, to the same extent as the traumas of these characters.
In terms of content, the novel is inspired by essays, blogs and the little fiction that exists about sects (“Mao II”, by Delillo; “Wild Wild Country” by Maclain and Chapman Way).
Regarding genre, the plot – which contains some thriller notes – crosses the erotic-romantic novel to become a training novel, while recreating an urban environment (through its dynamism, the use of slang and the presence of social networks).
These forays into various literary genres put together an agile story, “The Empty Gaze,” which, however, manages to delve into the type of domination of man by the most bloody man: the one that occurs within an emotional relationship.
Book of the Week
We have thought about choosing a featured book every two weeks, creating a blog post with the information you can provide us (the more the better), and promoting that publication on social networks.
Every other Wednesday we want to recommend an outstanding book, recommending the big bets of the best-known publishers and also giving a prominent place to self-published writers, new writers or those who publish with small independent publishers.
If you are among those writers or publishers and want to be our book of the week, write us an email: [email protected] with all the information about your book, your biography, first chapter, reviews, links, press release, etc… and in the subject write “Book of the Week”.
Source: https://algunoslibrosbuenos.com/la-mirada-vaciada-paqui-bernal