Nothing will be the same again
by Miguel Albero
Novel winner of the XXVI Badajoz City Novel Prize
In Madrid, the 2009 crisis breaks out with the same force as it does all over the world, but for the Monteros, a well-off family, this crisis turns into a drama when their son is involved in the death of a homeless person. With the frenetic pace of those days in the financial markets, Albero draws, in Ya nada será igual (Nothing Will Be the Same), a kind of urban thriller that is also the portrait of a society and an era. Because, in effect, nothing will be the same for the Montero family, but neither for the rest of us.
Miguel Albero was born in Madrid well into the last century, inevitably arriving late to this one that is inexorably advancing. He has already published more books than he should have. He has to his credit the Gil de Biedma Poetry Prize, the Vargas Llosa Novel Prize and the Málaga Essay Prize, and with them he has managed to go from having, ashamed, more books than readers to, proudly, having more awards than readers.
Source: https://algunoslibrosbuenos.com/ya-nada-sera-igual