About the book

He scientific popularizer Pere Estupinyà and child psychologist Blanca Torres They present an illustrated book with which to discover the classic myths and the fascinating explanations that our ancestors gave to the mysterious phenomena of nature.

Through the experiences of Íride and Álex –the two young protagonists of the book– and the illustrations of Laia Pámpols we will discover a fascinating reality in full colour.

Myths and science has the mission of to stimulate critical thinking in the youngest childrenWith a clear scientific and humanistic vocation, Estupinyà and Torres bring informative and educational content to their public in an attractive way, interweaving the two practices with the illustrations of Laia Pámpols.

The Scientific vision of Estupinyà and the Torres HumanisticsThey engage in dialogue to draw a fascinating reality and awaken the curiosity of young people and adults. Myths and science are, after all, a reflection of the human mind and our search for answers.

Myths and Science is a book that stimulates learning and a passion for science. It encourages the independence of children while promoting fundamental values ​​such as collaboration and respect. But above all, it inspires them to continue asking, searching and creating.

*Original content provided by the publisher

Source: https://algunoslibrosbuenos.com/mitos-y-ciencia

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