Minho River. A journey between solstices
by Jesus Fraga
An extraordinary physical and sentimental journey along the Miño River.
Without a doubt, the Miño River is the physical and symbolic backbone of Galatia. Along 315 kilometers, its waters crossed by countless bridges bathe two hundred municipalities, fertilize crops, water livestock and offer fishing. To this immense material heritage, another intangible heritage is also added, made up of an equally incomprehensible human and historical landscape.
With a research spirit, but also a poetic one, Xesús Fraga undertakes a six-month journey along the route of the Miño, in an effort to reveal its earthly, historical and mythical secrets. The result is a splendid story that has the river as its protagonist, but also and, above all, the people who live on its banks.
XVIII Eurostars Hotels Award for Travel Narrative 20
Xesús Fraga (London, 1971) is a journalist, writer and translator. Although born in England, he grew up in Galicia. He completed his higher studies in Information Sciences (1991-1996) and English Philology (1993-1995) in Salamanca and, later, began a degree in Social and Cultural Anthropology (2013). He has been part of the staff of La Voz de Galicia for almost three decades, although he has also worked in other audiovisual media, such as Radio Voz Lugo and Televisión de Galicia. At the same time, he has also translated authors such as Vladimir Nabokov, Sylvia Plath, George Orwell, Robert Macfarlane and Roald Dahl from English to Galician and Spanish. Among his works of fiction, in addition to works of children’s and youth literature, is Virtues (and Mysteries), awarded the 2021 National Narrative Prize.
Source: https://algunoslibrosbuenos.com/rio-mino-un-viaje-entre-solsticios