Four characters surround a dead body lying on a carpet. There is a corpse, there has been a crime, there remains a mystery. The clues that could solve it are the subject of the occult: a detective novel, a horror story, a still life, a locked room.

Like a device calibrated to induce hypnotized reading, this new novel by Mike Wilson makes description a form of action, and along the way demonstrates the power of words to alter all certainty. Exhaustive, delirious, metaphysical, Occult Sciences plays with the time of reading and of events, accelerates and decelerates, incessantly completes an idea and disrupts it, captivates us and, finally, rewards us.

Reading Occult Sciences is to enter into Holmes’ way of seeing the world, a detailed, meticulous, obsessive Holmes, turned into an object-network, with the meticulous calm of an obsessive neurotic, but crossed by the schizophrenic speed that cocaine gives. An essential book in the middle of a world in which the answers are the order of the day, but which hides the questions so that we cannot ask them.

Following in the footsteps of his monumental Lumberjack, and with more than one nod to great works and genres of universal literature, in this novel Mike Wilson establishes himself as a genuinely unique author of current Latin American narrative, and gives us his enormous talent.

This book is only a few pages long, but the feeling when reading it is of monumental magnitude. When reading it you will remember the same feeling of swimming in the immensity of everyday life.

«From them comes a salty smell of a dirty sea, of a stagnant cove, as if the paneled side and its floor were the wall of the inner chamber of a galleon sunk at the bottom of a dead ocean»


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